// Copyright: (c) 2011 Wybo Wiersma <mail@wybowiersma.net>
// Available under the Affero GPL v3, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html

Actor = (function() {
  var construct;

  construct = function(options, forum) {
    var actions;
    // The global forum
    this.forum = forum;
    this.id = this.forum.actors_id_counter++;

// Agent attributes if (this.forum.options.with_thresholds) { this.threshold = this.forum.options.threshold_average + normal_rand()[0] * this.forum.options.threshold_standard_deviation; } // Will be removed if true this.left_forum = false; // The position, false if offline this.position = (options.position ? options.position : false); this.next_desire = 0; this.current_desire = this.forum.options.c_d_leave_cutoff + Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.forum.options.c_d_max_starting)); this.reply_desire = 0; this.topic = ABF.choose_random_action(ABF.TOPIC_CHOICE); actions = []; if (this.forum.options.mode != ABF.MODES.random) { actions.push({ chance: this.forum.options.reply_chance, action: this.to_reply }, { chance: this.forum.options.new_thread_chance, action: this.to_new_thread }, { chance: this.forum.options.next_thread_chance, action: this.to_next_thread }, { total: 1000, action: this.to_next_post }); } else { actions.push({ chance: this.forum.options.reply_chance + this.forum.options.new_thread_chance, action: this.to_new_thread }, { total: 1000, action: this.to_next_thread }); } this.choice = ABF.prepare_choice(actions, {bind: this}); this.reading = true; this.seen_thread_in_session = {}; this.seen_reply_from_queue = []; this.seen_reply_from = {}; this.seen_uninteresting_in_thread = 0; this.forum.users_count++; if (!this.forum.users_per_topic_count[this.topic]) { this.forum.users_per_topic_count[this.topic] = 0; } this.forum.users_per_topic_count[this.topic]++; return this;
}; //### Runs

// Agent rate and objective functions construct.prototype.run = function() { var reply_chance; if (this.position === false) { // is offline, rate function if (this.current_desire < this.forum.options.c_d_leave_cutoff) { this.leave_forum(); } else { var roll = Math.floor(Math.random()*1001); if (this.current_desire / this.forum.options.desire_for_online_divider > roll) { // if desire greater than roll this.go_online(); this.read_current_post(); } } } else { // is visiting forum, objective function // this.own_post_bonus() could be added; if (this.current_desire < 0) { // no desire left, leave this.go_offline(); } else { last_post = this.post(); reply_chance = 1.0 * this.forum.options.reply_chance + this.reply_desire; if (this.seen_reply_from[last_post.author_id]) { // undefined author_id is impossible, as checked on set reply_chance = reply_chance * 3; } if (this.forum.options.mode != ABF.MODES.random) { this.choice.actions[0].chance = reply_chance; this.choice.actions[2].chance = this.seen_uninteresting_in_thread * 4; } else { this.choice.actions[0].chance = reply_chance + this.forum.options.new_thread_chance; } this.choice = ABF.calculate_choice_cutoffs(this.choice); //ABF.choose_random_action(this.choice, {boost: [0, this.current_desire + this.reply_desire]}); ABF.choose_random_action(this.choice); // both reply_ and seen_uninteresting here for boost implementation reasons if (this.position !== false) { this.read_current_post(); } } // reduce reply desire with time if (this.reply_desire >= this.forum.options.r_d_drop_off) { this.reply_desire += this.forum.options.r_d_drop_off; } else { this.reply_desire = 0; } } };
construct.prototype.read_current_post = function() { var post = this.post(), parent_post = post.previous(post.indent - 1); if (post.seen[this.id]) { this.skim_post(post); } else { if (post.indent === 0 && this.forum.options.mode != ABF.MODES.random) { // a thread this.skim_post(post); } else { this.current_desire += this.forum.options.c_d_read; // lose desire / satisfy need to read if (post.topic == this.topic) { this.next_desire += this.forum.options.n_d_on_topic; } else { this.next_desire += this.forum.options.n_d_off_topic; } this.reading = true; } if (post.topic == this.topic) { this.upvote_post(post); } else { this.seen_uninteresting_in_thread++; } if (parent_post && parent_post.author_id == this.id) { if (!this.forum.options.disable_reply_bonus) { this.notice_reply(post); } } post.seen[this.id] = true; } if (post.indent === 0 && !this.seen_thread_in_session[post.id] && this.forum.options.mode != ABF.MODES.random) { // a thread this.seen_thread_in_session[post.id] = true; this.seen_new_thread_since_top = true; } }; construct.prototype.skim_post = function(post) { this.reading = false; }; construct.prototype.upvote_post = function(post) { if (this.forum.options.mode == ABF.MODES.ordered) { post.rating += 1; } }; construct.prototype.notice_reply = function(post) { // Not called if disable_reply_bonus var id_to_forget; if (this.seen_reply_from_queue.length > 10) { id_to_forget = this.seen_reply_from_queue.shift(); if (this.seen_reply_from_queue.indexOf(id_to_forget) == -1) { delete this.seen_reply_from[id_to_forget]; } } if (!this.forum.options.disable_reciprocity) { this.seen_reply_from[post.author_id] = true; this.seen_reply_from_queue.push(post.author_id); } this.current_desire += this.forum.options.c_d_received_reply; this.reply_desire += this.forum.options.r_d_received_reply; }; //### Actions construct.prototype.to_next_post = function() { var old_post = this.post(), post; // Passes by comments to uninteresting posts (for free) if (old_post.topic == this.topic || this.forum.options.mode == ABF.MODES.threaded || ABF.fifty_fifty()) { post = old_post.next(); } else { post = old_post.next(old_post.indent); } old_post = post; if (post) { this.position = post.id; } else { this.to_next_thread(); } }; construct.prototype.to_next_thread = function() { var thread = this.post().thread, pass; do { thread = thread.next(); pass = false; if (thread) { // Free pass for threads that are uninteresting and have been seen if (this.seen_thread_in_session[thread.posts[0].id]) { pass = true; } else if (thread.posts[0].topic != this.topic && this.forum.options.mode != ABF.MODES.random) { if (ABF.fifty_fifty()) { pass = false; } else { pass = true; } } } } while (pass); if (thread) { this.set_thread(thread); } else { this.drop_off_page(thread); } }; construct.prototype.to_reply = function() { var old_post = this.post(); var post = old_post.reply(this, ABF.choose_random_action(ABF.TOPIC_CHOICE, [old_post.thread.posts[0].topic, 0.5], old_post.topic)); this.position = post.id; this.current_desire += this.forum.options.c_d_create; this.reply_desire = 0; }; construct.prototype.to_new_thread = function() { var thread = this.post().thread.new_thread(this, ABF.choose_random_action(ABF.TOPIC_CHOICE, false, this.topic)); this.set_thread(thread); this.current_desire += this.forum.options.c_d_create; }; //### Movement construct.prototype.go_online = function() { this.to_top_of_page(); }; construct.prototype.to_top_of_page = function() { if (this.forum.direction == ABF.DIRECTIONS.oldnew) { this.position = this.forum.threads[0].posts[0].id; } else { this.position = this.forum.threads[this.forum.threads.length - 1].posts[0].id; } this.seen_new_thread_since_top = false; }; construct.prototype.drop_off_page = function() { if (this.seen_new_thread_since_top) { this.to_top_of_page(); } else { this.go_offline(); } }; construct.prototype.go_offline = function() { if (this.current_desire > this.forum.options.leave_cutoff) { this.current_desire = this.next_desire + this.current_desire * this.forum.options.c_d_nothing_left_fraction; // Empty forum, frustration } else { this.current_desire = this.next_desire; } this.next_desire = 0; this.seen_thread_in_session = {}; this.position = false; }; construct.prototype.leave_forum = function() { this.left_forum = true; this.forum.users_count--; this.forum.users_per_topic_count[this.topic]--; }; //### Getters and setters construct.prototype.set_thread = function(thread) { this.seen_uninteresting_in_thread = 0; this.position = thread.posts[0].id; this.current_desire += this.forum.options.c_d_page_load; // Cognitive load / loading time }; construct.prototype.post = function() { var position_hash = this.forum.positions_hash[this.position]; return this.forum.threads[position_hash.thread].posts[position_hash.post]; }; //### Display construct.prototype.draw = function(x, y) { var context = this.forum.context; context.strokeStyle = "#F00"; context.lineWidth = ABF.SCL; // head if (this.reading) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, ABF.SCL * 4, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } // body context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x + ABF.SCL * 1, y + ABF.SCL * 6); context.lineTo(x + ABF.SCL * 4, y + ABF.SCL * 5); context.moveTo(x - ABF.SCL * 1, y + ABF.SCL * 6); context.lineTo(x - ABF.SCL * 4, y + ABF.SCL * 9); context.moveTo(x, y + ABF.SCL * 4); context.lineTo(x, y + ABF.SCL * 9); context.lineTo(x + ABF.SCL * 3, y + ABF.SCL * 14); context.moveTo(x, y + ABF.SCL * 9); context.lineTo(x - ABF.SCL * 3, y + ABF.SCL * 14); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); }; return construct; }());